
Open Innovation: Venture Client rocks!

By |2022-12-28T09:26:21+01:00December 28th, 2022|General, News|

If accelerators are increasingly being reconsidered, and Venture Builders are on the rise, the Venture Client model remains the most adopted tool to engage with startups. That’s what the world’s open innovation leaders say. This is one of the main pieces of evidence from the “Open Innovation Outlook 2023 - Macro-trends for 2023 in Corporate-Startup Engagement” Report released by Mind the Bridge today.

Siemens is 2022 World’s Corporate Startup Star

By |2022-12-16T09:02:46+01:00December 6th, 2022|General, News|

For the 7th year running, the world’s most active corporates working with startups and worldwide best practices in corporate-startup collaboration have been recognized and identified at the prestigious annual Corporate Startup Stars Awards. Launched by Mind the Bridge under the European Commission’s Startup Europe Partnership initiative in 2016, the Awards have been scaled at global level thanks to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). A total of 100 companies from all over the world have been named today winners in the 2022 Corporate Startup Stars Awards: 50 as Corporate Startup Stars - with Siemens securing the top position - and 50 companies named Open Innovation Challengers.

Desafia: 10 Spanish Startups ready to fly to San Francisco

By |2022-11-24T16:00:06+01:00November 21st, 2022|General, News|

Finally unveiled the list of 10 Spanish startups admitted to the Fall 2022 edition of the Desafia San Francisco Immersion Program. Their projects range from connection systems for satellites to online voting, blockchain technologies, real estate, sales and marketing tools, green solutions, interactive video technology, talent and job platforms.

Silicon Valley: l’Italia c’è

By |2022-11-24T15:58:31+01:00October 21st, 2022|General, News|

Le grandi aziende italiane stanno sempre più consolidando la propria presenza nello scacchiere internazionale dell’innovazione puntando a nuovi modelli e a nuove forme di open innovation direttamente in Silicon Valley. Ne è una prova l’ultimo Scaleup Summit organizzato da Mind the Bridge e tenutosi questa settimana a San Francisco: tra le decine di realtà internazionali intervenute, ben 9 sono le aziende italiane che nella Bay Area hanno iniziato, stanno iniziando o inizieranno ad avere una innovation unit sempre più strutturata grazie alla collaborazione con Mind the Bridge: Acea, Enel, Eni, FPTt Industrial, Iveco, LU-VE, Pelliconi e Terna.

Pelliconi Intrapreneurship Program: Building a culture of innovation

By |2022-11-24T15:58:43+01:00September 28th, 2022|General, News|

Pelliconi - the world's leading manufacturer of crown corks, metal and plastic caps for the bottling industry - has launched a brand-new Intrapreneurship Program, looking to leverage its workforce and generate ideas across departments and plant sites. The program, designed and implemented with the support of Mind the Bridge, is part of Pelliconi’s innovation strategy, including the recently established Antenna in Silicon Valley.

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