China, the land of Super Scalers. A new SEP Tech Scaleup Report
The dragon has awakened undoubtedly becoming an innovation powerhouse. China is definitely “the Super” Scaler Ecosystem according to the new SEP Tech Scaleup China Report 2019, presented today at the London Stock Exchange at the 3rd SEP Scaleup Summit organized by Mind the Bridge. The research report produced by Mind the Bridge in partnership with Chinese Zero2IPO Group provides comparable data on startups in China for the very first time. Mind the Bridge used a comparable methodology in alignment with that used for the other startup ecosystems in the world. A Chinese version of this report along with Tech Scaleup Europe Report 2019, launched on Monday 17th June 2019, will be soon distributed in China.
Tech Scaleup Europe is finally taking off!
Over 7000 tech sc [...]
SEC2SV 2018: the names of the European Tech Scaleups invited
A new group of Sca [...]
Scaleup Europe is growing. Finally!
Data from the last “Tech Scaleup Europe 2018” SEP Monitor presented in London on the occasion of the second SEP Scaleup Summit organized by Mind the Bridge and hosted by the London Stock Exchange, highlight that the Scaleup Europe ecosystem is finally growing. But the gap with other ecosystems remains huge.