Startups Matching Event
We will find out on Saturday, 29th in Berlin, at the Investors Day of People in Beta Festival.
With the support of our brilliant partners at Betahaus, Mind the Bridge organizes a matchmaking session between EU startups and top local investors (including corporate venture capitals and accelerators). The matchmaking session will be powered by the Welcome EU project.
They have the unique opportunity to participate in 1:1 speed dating sessions, on board of Audi limousines, all over Kreuzberg.
Cool? Doch.
Startups’ founders have only 10 minutes to convince, inspire and enchant top investors. The goal? Say enough to get a date.
Investment is not just a matter of money. It is a two-way relationship that must be nurtured and supported. When it’s off to a good start, half of the job is done.
We will see if our selected startups will be up to the challenge!
If you happen to be in Berlin, join the show!
Find out more at