
[MTB Podcast] Episode 5: How blockchain based capital raising can reshape private securities markets

By |2019-04-11T09:56:16+02:00August 21st, 2018|General, Podcasts, SEC2SV|

On this episode, Rashad Kurbanov stops by to discuss how blockchain based capital raising can reshape private securities markets. What issues plague the current start-up and growth companies’ capital raising process? Is ICO the only way to use blockchain to raise capital? Do regulations need to change or should technology be adopted to meet regulatory requirements? What benefits are there for the entrepreneurs and investors from using blockchain based platforms? How iownit.us is approaching technology and regulations to develop capital markets infrastructure for non-public companies?

[MTB Podcast] Episode 3: The role of artificial intelligence in our future

By |2019-04-11T09:59:32+02:00August 10th, 2018|General, Podcasts, SEC2SV|

On this episode, Vivek Wadhwa (@wadhwa) stops by to talk about the future. What’s it going to look like? Are we prepared for it? Who is going to come out on top in the workforce? We dive deep into the role that artificial intelligence will play in our futures, especially when it comes to work, and also discuss what our future economic and education systems may look like in the time of exponential technological change.

[MTB Podcast] Episode 2: Inside GDPR & The Future of Data Privacy (Sabrina Ross & Eliott Behar)

By |2019-04-11T10:00:36+02:00August 8th, 2018|Events, General, Podcasts|

In this episode, we get to grips with the origins of GDPR (e.g. where did it come from and why), what impact - good and bad - it will have on the global economy, how companies can better build trust with consumers in this digital-first world and what is next for the world of privacy regulation in both the USA and Europe. You won’t want to miss this oustanding discussion. Enjoy!

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